Welcome! On this page, you'll discover my extensive journey of community contributions over the years. Explore the wealth of knowledge, projects, articles, talks, and collaborations I've cultivated within the developer community.
Flutter AI Writing Assistant
An AI writing assistant like Grammarly using the Gemini AI API. It gets the text from the user and sends it to the Gemini AI API to:
- Fix grammar mistakes
- Display the reason for the correction
- Specify the language of correction
- Suggest alternative sentence if needed
🖊️ Blog posts:
- Process creation of a Grammarly-style App using Flutter and Gemini
- Processus de développement d’un assistant d’écriture avancé similaire à Grammarly avec Flutter et Gemini
Test Gemini
A Flutter test project for Gemini API use cases.
🖊️ Blog posts:
- AI with Flutter and Dart: boost your applications with Gemini
- IA avec Flutter et Dart: boostez vos applications avec Gemini
Flutter custom painter
A demo manipulation on Flutter custom painter.
🖊️ Blog posts:
- Flutter and Dart: Unleash the Picasso within you with CustomPainter
- Flutter et Dart: Révélez le Picasso qui est en vous avec le Custom Painter
DevFest Student Edition Lubumbashi
I was a panel speaker.
DevFest Lubumbashi
I shared my excitement about animations and Custom Painter in Flutter & Dart.
Webinar about Freelancing in Africa
Blog post on Flutter 3.16
- Flutter 3.16: the new features you shouldn't miss
- Flutter 3.16 : les nouveautés que vous ne devez surtout pas manquer
Blog post on sharing code with Telegram
Flutter Calendar Events
A demo manipulation on Flutter device's calendar.
🖊️ Blog posts:
- Learn how to manage your calendar events in Flutter and Dart
- Apprenez à ajouter et à gérer vos événements de calendrier en Flutter et Dart
Blog post on extension method in Flutter and Dart
- Why and how to use extension methods with Flutter and Dart
- Pourquoi et comment utiliser les méthodes d’extension avec Flutter et Dart
Blog post on enumeration with Flutter and Dart
- Everything you need to know about Enum with Flutter and Dart
- Tout savoir sur les énumérations avec Flutter et Dart
Blog post on GitHub chat Copilot
- GitHub chat Copilot: coding will never be the same
- GitHub chat Copilot: vous ne programmerez plus jamais de la même façon
Google IO Extended Lubumbashi
I was a speaker at the event and I talked about screen responsiveness in Flutter.
Flutter ToDo List
Cross-platform ToDo List made with Flutter and Bloc.
Podcast discussion on Developer Freelancing
Flutter bloc testing app
A simple more / less game with weather and time feature to learn well Flutter bloc library.
Flutter Project Structure
A simple clean architecture for a Flutter project that uses bloc architecture to help to easily maintain source code.
A WordPress plugin that allows access to a mobile application to transform a website into a mobile application.
Telegram Weather Bot
A simple Telegram Bot written in PHP which gives the temperature of a given location using the Open Weather API.
True or False Quiz
A fun game in the form of true/false choice questions made with Flutter and Dart using a PHP for admin panel.
Millionaire Quiz
Who wants to be a millionaire quiz made with Flutter and using PHP for admin panel.
Flutter SQLLite
A simple flutter project using SQL lite database engine to show how powerful is flutter.
Flutter Meteo
A simple flutter application that shows the meteo of a specific town.
Flutter RSS Reader
A simple RSS reader app made with Flutter.
Flutter Calorie Calcul
A Flutter application that shows some customized components.
Flutter Quiz
A quiz application made with flutter.
Flutter Music player
A simple music player made in Flutter and Dart.
A PHP library to easily get links thumbnails.
Php library that facilitates server-side Firebase notification.